Fremont Coin Club
Fremont Coin Club meets at the Elks Lodge in Fremont. We are one of the SF Bay Area’s most established and respected clubs, and also like to think of ourselves as one of the friendliest. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month except December and January, and always welcome new members and guests.
Club meetings start at 7pm and always have a numismatic theme. Additionally they include door prizes, a speaker on a numismatic related topic, Show-and-Tell, light refreshments, an auction, and a prize drawing for Silver coins. Meetings are usually over by 9pm.
Each year we have an array of special events including Hot-Dog Night, Potluck BBQ, an Ice Cream Social, a Christmas Party, and an Annual Dinner. Guests are always welcome at any meeting, and we encourage you to bring along friends or family to these social gatherings.
Members of the Fremont Coin Club are happy to share their knowledge about specialties such as collecting US Coins, World Coins, Ancient Coins, Banknotes, Currency, Tokens, Casino Chips, and a great deal more. We’re sure to have someone with a similar interest to you, and you’ll likely find something of interest at our meetings. We hope that you will drop in and visit us soon!
Founded over 40 years ago by Ron Miller, the Fremont Coin Club is one of the Bay areas most respected and well-established coin clubs.
***2017 Fremont Coin show: Jul 22-23rd***
To be held @Fremont Elks Lodge (Sat-Sun); Setup is 8am; Show starts @10am; Early Bird Fee=$25
Boarse: Vince Lacariere @FremontCoinGallery
Meetings are held on the
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
each month, 7pm at:
Fremont Elk’s Lodge
38991 Farwell Drive
Fremont, CA