A Statutory Required Committee

Lodge Activities encompass almost everything the Lodge does. Without exception, they are important to the success of every Lodge. Well-planned and implemented activities usually spell the difference between a progressive Lodge and one that is just drifting along without specific aim or purpose.

The Activities Committee is appointed by the Exalted Ruler to organize and execute the programs listed below.  The committee is required by Grand Lodge statute and should have no fewer than 3 members on the committee.

The Activities Committee shall be charged with the following:

(a) Implementing the Drug Awareness Program, the Hoop Shoot® Program, and the Public Relations Program of the Lodge, the State Association, and the Grand Lodge.

(b) Supervising all matters pertaining to Lodge activities of civic, social, and community interest, including one program solely identified as Elks-sponsored within the jurisdiction of the Lodge and developing community projects that emphasize the charitable works of the Order.

(c) Preparing, supervising, and conducting programs for the youth of the community, and implementing all youth programs of the Lodge, the State Association, and the Grand Lodge.

Lodge activities can be classified as follows:

  1. Mandatory – are those required by Statute, and include the special activities for Flag Day and Memorial Day.
  2. Prescribed – include ritual; participation in the Most Valuable Student Contests; cooperation and support of other programs of the Grand Exalted Ruler; and support and participation in State Association programs.
  3. Non-prescribed or local activities –  are all those undertaken by the Lodge beyond the scope of mandatory and prescribed activities. It is in this category that the Activities Chairperson’s attention should be centered and wherein ingenuity and advance planning are essential.
    • Social – include dances, picnics, hayrides, dinners, and a multitude of similar events that bring the Lodge members, their families and friends together in a spirit of sociability.
    • Community – This area encompasses community service, which is essential to improvement of the public image of the Lodge. Public programs, dedications, sponsorship of community celebrations, and youth humanitarian programs within the Lodge jurisdiction are all included in this area of activity.
    • Fraternal – supplement the Lodge meeting. Suggested activities would include visits to the Lodge meetings by such groups as veterans, boy/girl scouts, students, or FFA groups, etc.

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